segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010


"Meus ontens estão desaparecendo e meus amanhãs são incertos. Então, para que eu vivo? Vivo para cada dia. Vivo o presente. Num amanhã próximo, esquecerei que estive aqui diante de vocês e que fiz este discurso. Mas o simples fato de eu vir a esquecê-lo num amanhã qualquer não significa que hoje eu não tenha vivido cada segundo dele. Esquecerei o hoje, mas isso não significa que o hoje não tem importância."

Para sempre Alice - Lisa Genova

Quando não há mais certezas possíveis, só o amor sabe o que é verdade! ;P

segunda-feira, 16 de agosto de 2010

third (maybe) dream ... (not yet finished...)

Aqui estou eu, preocupada de novo com aquela mulher.

De onde ela apareceu ninguém sabe, a única coisa que ela não esconde é que ela quer o Matt, e não mede esforços para tê-lo.

Só tem um problema: Matt é o MEU namorado !! Será que ela não se toca? Parece que não.

Mas o que mais me impressiona é que ele também não toma atitude. Por que não a manda para longe ? Tem dó dela por ser de fora ?

Come on !
Meu olhar de súplica em sua direção não adianta, ele continua conversando com ela, rindo de suas gracinhas.

Decido ir embora então. Mesmo sendo noite e a rua por onde eu tenho que passar escura e deserta.

Não ligo, estou muito puta com toda aquela situação!
Ah o Matt com certeza vai ouvir boas no outro dia.

De repente eu ouço um barulho vindo de cima e algo bate forte na minha cabeça.

Desmaio e só vou acordar de madrugada, porém não no local onde eu deveria estar.

Meu corpo boia no esgoto, por baixo da cidade.

Quando percebo, o corpo daquela mulher está ao meu lado,morta, porém chegamos a uma bifurcação e acabamos tomando caminhos diferentes, ela vai parar na floresta e eu acabaria parando no mar, sem ninguém para achar meu corpo, estaria perdida.

Será que o Matt sabe onde estamos ? Quem ele escolheria salvar? O corpo daquela mulher, ou sera que ele viria atras de mim ?

Sendo levado pela agua imunda, meu corpo acaba cedendo, e se torna parte dessa sujeira.

Eu acabo morrendo antes do esgoto desaguar no mar. Desligada do corpo, nao consigo ir a nenhum lugar. Acabo buscando por Matt para tentar me ajudar. Quando o localizo, tudo torna-se um borrão. Vejo a mulher na floresta, e Matt com ela, cercado de mais 2 homens. A mulher sem cabeca, eles a dão vida novamente, colocando uma máscara de pedra com duas outras pedras verdes, pequenas e muito brilhantes. Acho a cena muito bisarra. De repente, como se ele tivesse percebido que eu estava observando, Matt olha através de mim e deixa ela com os otros dois.

De repente volto ao meu corpo, Matt esta ao meu lado.
Ele tinha me tirado do esgoto.
Antes que eu pudesse falar qualquer coisa , ele saca uma estaca , preenchida com um fluido verde e finca na minha coxa. Esse fluido vai entrando no meu corpo e tudo começa a girar.

Chego a urrar como se estivesse morrendo de novo. Quando volto a mim, entendo porque ele tinha feito isso.

Eu deixara de ter minhas duas pernas, quando ele me tirou do esgoto.

Com aquele fluido elas voltavam a existir ...e eu posso sentir a forca do fluido nelas.

Matt me beija , e sinto nojo, estava toda suja..talvez morta, envergonhada;

Mas antes que pudesse afasta-lo, ele mesmo se levanta me deixando com a estaca fincada na coxa.

Escuto uma voz : -'' logo estará fazendo efeito, esteja preparada''

Olho ao redor chamando por Matt, seria a voz dele?

Adormeço ali mesmo, próximo ao esgoto, sem entender nada, mas muito cansada.

Imagens me vêem à cabeça: uma sala cheia de homens uniformizados, e dois corpos sendo colocados ao lado de outros. Todos tinham algo em comum: algum objeto verde, da cor do fluido injetado em minha perna.

Matt aparece com um controle com um único botão e percebo que ele está supervisionando tudo.
Ele é o líder por trás do que está acontecendo lá. Seja lá o que for.

Os corpos são encaminhados para lugares diferentes locais.

Ao lado de Matt aparece a mulher, aquela! Com a máscara no lugar da cabeça. O que ela estava fazendo ao lado dele? Matt.... O que está acontecendo ? Quem é você?

Acordo em meu quarto.... sem me lembrar de nada! Só que tive um sonho muito estranho, mas sobre o que era?
Que dia é hoje?
Meu pai entra falando que estamos indo viajar de férias.
Férias? Mas estamos no meio do bimestre!
-Pai! Por que?

Ele me olha com um rosto tão sério, nunca tinha o visto desse jeito, ele só fala:
-Eu resolvi tirá-las agora no meio do bimestre, você não quer ir? Mas ninguém vai ficar aqui em casa para tomar conta de você

Ele me joga minha mala e desce para o carro.

De alguma forma, não ter ninguém comigo, mesmo que seja na minha própria casa onde, supostamente, estou segura, me deixa aflita e eu corro para o carro.

Ele não me dá tempo para fechar a porta direito e arranca.

"-Cadê a mamãe? e o Lucas?"

sexta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2010

60+ mangás antes de morrer ! –.o

AAA - Ogata Aoi está no 2º ano e é a presidente do conselho estudantil. A escola que frequenta é a melhor do país e chamada de AAA. Aoi se matricula lá à procura de seu primeiro amor, mas, depois de um surpreendente encontro, descobre que seu primeiro amor é o líder de uma gangue da escola vizinha, chamada "CCC" (pior nível). Pode ser uma coincidência que aquele líder e o seu amor tenham o mesmo nome, já que eles tem aparências completamente diferentes, mas agora Aoi quer descobrir mais sobre essa pessoa da escola vizinha…

Absolute Boyfriend (Zettai Kareshi) - Rejeitada muitas vezes por caras de boa aparência (inatingíveis), Riiko Izawa resolve fazer um teste grátis de um misterioso Nightly Lover "figure". No dia seguinte, um rapaz bonito nu é entregue à sua porta, e ele quer ser seu namorado!Será que Riiko morreu e foi para o céu? O rapaz bonito acaba por ser doce, inteligente, um grande cozinheiro, e muito mais. E ele se parece com um milhão de dólares, que é o que ele vai custar para Riiko se ela não devolver-lhe a tempo...

Ai Hime ~ Ai to Himegoto - Em um dia de primavera, Mao encontra um homem bonito dormindo debaixo de uma cerejeira. Uma vez acordado, ele inesperadamente a beija. No entanto, verifica-se que o desconhecido é na verdade seu tio - mas não pelo sangue.

Ele é o escolhido para cuidar de Mao, e com quem ela viverá durante o ano letivo. Mas como lidar com seus sentimentos que florescem por seu ele? Será que nenhum deles será capaz de pôr de lado as convenções sociais para estar juntos?

Ashiteruze Baby - Kippei Katakura um playboy de 17 anos que passa seu tempo caçando meninas, sem ligar para seus sentimentos. Mas quando sua priminha de 5 anos Yuzuyu vem para morar com ele, após o desaparecimento da mãe, Kippei é colocado como responsável por ela. Enquanto Kippei conhece Yuzuyu e começa a entender como ela se sente, ele percebe que toda garota já foi como Yuzuyu alguma vez…

Akagami no Shirayukihime - Shirayuki tem o cabelo vermelho-maçã original. Ela conhece um famoso, mas insensato príncipe Raji, que se apaixona por ela à primeira vista e ordena que ela se torne a sua concubina. Com nenhum outro lugar para ir, Shirayuki corta os cabelos e foge para um país vizinho. Atravessando a floresta, ela conhece um garoto, Zen, que a ajuda depois que ela cura suas feridas, mas que depois é envenenado por uma maçã enviada a Shirayuki. Enquanto isso, Prince Raji manda capangas para procurar por ela. O que vai acontecer com Shirayuki? Qual é a verdadeira identidade de Zen? Uma história de fantasia entre uma heroína optimista e um príncipe.

Akuma to Dolce -

Ogura Mayuri uma estudante do ensino médio solitária, com talento para cozinhar e mágica, ensinados por sua mãe. Ela já sumonou vários demonios pequenos para ajudá-la com coisas pequenas como assar biscoitos.

Mas quando ela acidentalmente sumona um demônio de alto nível chamado Beaut, além de derramar chá em sua saia, ele autoriza que ela faça um pedido que ele irá realizar. Mayuri deseja que a mancha de sua saia suma, em troca de doces.Beaut acha um absurdo a simplicidade do pedido, mas se distrai com o cheiro dos doces – seu ponto fraco –. Percebendo isso Mayuri usa essa fraqueza para prende-lo e usá-lo em seus afazeres.

Akuma to Love Song - Touzuka High School é uma escola pública com médias muito baixas. Um dia, uma garota expulsa da melhor escola do estado chega transferida...seu nome é Kawai Maria. A razão de sua expulsão foi violência contra o professor. Por causa de seus comentários diretos e honestos, Maria comeca a ser isolada pela classe...O que está escondido em seu passado e o que acontecerá com ela?

Heart No Kuni No Alice – O feminino , mas violento, jogo ‘’otome’’ é uma re-imaginação do clássico de Lewis Carroll, romântico e fantasioso, Alice in Wonderland. Nesta história Alice não é tudo o que parece. Ela é pratica, forte, entretanto uma pessoa cínica. Em vez da história de tradição, Alice é raptada por um misterioso homem com orelhas de coelhos e levada até Heartland. Presa em Heartland devido a um truque desse homem orelhudo, ela conhece os moradores desse mundo. Ao longo de seu caminho, Alice conhece Blood,o bonito líder da máfia, Ace, o cavaleiro louco, mas encantador e muitos outros personagens. O que Alice deve fazer nesse mundo?

Arakure - Sachie Wakamura acaba de perder sua mãe e seu avô distante parece disposto a cuidar dela. O único problema é que o avô é o chefe de uma gangue Yakuza! Sachie tenta continuar a viver sua vida normal, mas ela não pode ir tão longe visto que um dos rapazes mais populares da escola faz parte da gangue de seu avô e é seu novo protetor. Logo Sachie acaba se apaixonando por seu guarda-costas. Mas ela é a neta do patrão Rakuto, e ele nunca poderá mostrar seus sentimentos por ela. Poderá Sachie encontrar uma maneira de se encaixar em sua nova família e agarrar sua chance no amor?

As the Death God Dictates - Ayumi é uma garota de 16 anos, que tem uma queda pelo seu colega, Musashi. Um dia, o Shinigami (deus da morte) aparece à sua frente e anuncia que ela tem apenas um mês de vida. Não há como impedir o destino! A vida é curta, garota, então ame com toda sua força e vontade.

Barajou no Kiss - A maioria das meninas são loucas por jóias, mas não Agnès (Anise) Yamamoto. Não, desde que seu pai lhe deu uma gargantilha de rosa quando criança, alegando que era um amuleto de proteção que a salvaria de danos. No entanto, se ela o tirasse (uma proeza mais fácil de falar do que fazer!), ela seria castigada de algum modo. 
Porém, depois de um certo incidente, a gargantilha desaparece e ela percebe que o castigo de que seu pai falou pode ser um pouco mais do que ela esperava!

Beast Master -

Yuiko Kubozuka é uma garota que ama animais. Infelizmente, os animais a odeiam e fogem dela sempre. Então quando um novo colega de casse, Leo Aoi, acaba por parecer um cara assustador, que lembra um animal selvagem, ela fica intrigada. Não só porque ele tem muita afinidade coms os animais, o que ela inveja, mas também porque ele não é tão selvagem como ele parece ser. Ele parece esconder uma doce parte por trás de sua medonha face. Ou assim ela pensou. A verdade é revelada quando eles são atacados e Leo imediatamente se comporta como um animal e fica muito violento, somente para salvar Yuiko.
Será Yuiko capaz de se aproximar desse animal selvagem ou ele , como todos os outros, também fugirá dela?

Beauty - Everytime the dumb, naive, and pretty girl Makoto sees beauty she'll throw up~! Unfortunately once she enters the school, the first pair she encounters is the super weird, yet beautiful guy, Kiyoshi-sempai, and the incredibly beautiful guy, Atsushi-sempai!! Plus she was forced to join the "Beauty Research Club" and then she was put in chains by Kiyoshi-sempai who just wouldn't leave her alone. But...the one Makoto actually likes is Atsushi-sempai!

Black Bird - Há um mundo de mito e magia que cruza o nosso, e apenas algumas pessoas especiais podem vê-lo.Misao Harada pode ver esses reinos mágicos e, francamente, ela não quer nada com ele. Logo ela aprende a ignorar seu dom, em favor de ter uma vida escolar normal e talvez conseguir um namorado.
Um dia, Misao é atacado por um demônio, e seu amigo de infância, Kyo, de repente, re-aparece para salvá-la e cuidar de sua ferida - com sua língua! Acontece que Misao é a noiva de uma profecia, cujo sangue dá poder para o clã do demônio que a tiver. Mas a maioria dos demônios querem manter o seu poder para si próprios - comendo ela! Agora Misao está apenas tentando se manter viva ... e tentando decidir se ela gosta,ou não,quando Kyo lambe suas feridas.

Bloody Kiss - Katsuragi Kiyo herda uma mansão E vampíros de uma avó que ela nunca viu. Como muda sua vida após sua…sorte?

Boku ni Natta Watashi - Bem-vindos ao pesadelo de Momoko. As coisas foram decididas. Ela deveria ir para uma escola normal, fazer amigos normais, e levar uma vida normal alegremente. Mas o universo é apenas cruel, irremediavelmente, monstruosamente injusto e, então, ela viu-se jogada para fora de casa, presa em uma escola onde todos são meninos com um companheiro de quarto que ela odeia, amaldiçoada com um corte de cabelo horrível e vestindo roupas que, para ser franca, ela não seria vista morta dentro. E a única coisa pior do que a sua situação atual seria ser descoberta. Tudo está errado! Tudo! Sobretudo o fato de, apesar de ela está rodeada por caras incrivelmente lindo, suas chances de romance são inferiores a zero. Mas com a vida tão complicada, uma coisa tem que mudar. Na verdade, acaba de mudar.

Boku no Hatsukoi Wo Kimi Ni Sasagu – A história de Takuma e Mayu começou quando eles tinham apenas 8 anos de idade. Durante sua infância, Takuma foi constantemente hospitalizado devido a sua condição cardíaca. Ele logo tornou-se amigo de Mayu, a filha do médico encarregado do seu caso. Dia após dia, eles se aproximavam mais e mais. No entanto Takuma faz uma promessa à Mayu que ele não pode manter... Sua história se desenrola à medida que envelhecem e seu vínculo fica mais forte ...

Bokutachi Wa Shitte Shimatta - Kaji Kotori é uma garota muito tímida e que sempre teve dificuldade em fazer amizades, especialmente com garotos. Desde o início do ensino médio ela se tornou alvo de zuação de Kaji Yukito, que é o centro das atenções da turma. Existem rumores que ele era um delinquente no ensino fundamental, porém ele não se parece com um. Aqui começa a história de como Kotori aprende a lidar com o amor.

Boyfriend - Hijiki (a girl with an unusual name) has just entered a new school, and on the way there she encounters a mysterious boy alongside a beautiful lake. Hijiki has some secrets of her own, and will this boy be able to listen to her silent pleas for help...?

Brilliant Magic - Mitsuki é uma caloura do Ensino Médio preocupada com sua aparência - ou, pelo menos, com seu rosto de “bebê”. Até que um dia recebe a ajuda de seu colega Atsuki e seu kit de maquiagem.Quando Atsuki termina, a transformação é completa - e de tirar o fôlego. É a partir daí que começam as aventuras românticas, uma volta na montanha-russa do coração.

Captive Heart (Toraware no Minoue) -

Megumi is a descendant of Kuronekomaru, a famous thief who stole an heirloom from a samurai's mansion. When he opened the scroll, the family's guardian dragon appeared and cursed Kuronekomaru and his descendants: his family is destined to serve Kougami's family for one hundred generations. Megumi is living the high life, since the last of the Kougamis vanished two years ago.
However, when Suzuka-the current generation of the Kougamis-returns home, Megumi has built up no resistance to the curse, so he is forced to serve her with a slave-like obedience.

Cherry Juice - Quando um estranho triângulo amoroso é formado entre meio-irmãos Otome e Minami e seu melhor amigo, Amane!! Esta comédia romântica ‘doce’ vai deixar você querendo mais ... e mais ... e muito mais!

Datte Suki Nan Damon – O irmão de Moka, Megu, está retornando de Nova York, onde viveu com seu pai. Não só isso, mas quando ela vai para a biblioteca, conhece Masato-kun, por quem ela se apaixona. Mas Masato-kun acaba por ser um playboy. O que acontecerá com o primeiro amor de Moka?

Dengeki Daisy - "Não importa o que aconteça, eu vou te proteger".Teru, uma menina pobre e gentil, recentemente perdeu seu irmão mais velho, seu único remanescente relativo. Antes de morrer, ele deu a ela um telefone celular conectando-a a uma pessoa que ele disse que iria apoiá-la sempre que fosse possível. Com o passar do tempo, ela é saudada por mensagens de texto enviadas a partir desta pessoa enigmática, conhecido apenas como DAISY. Então, um dia, através de um incidente inesperado, Teru começa a trabalhar para o zelador delinquente de sua escola, Kurosaki. Mas esse canalha sádico Kurosaki realmente é...!?

Desire Climax -

Omari Mio is a normal 17 year-old girl. She goes to school and works a part-time job to help support her family. Because her father is dead and her mother's sick, she often finds it hard to make ends meet.
One night, as Mio is coming home from work, she meets a handsome stranger who suddenly steals a kiss from her, and then throws money at her offering to buy her. Who is this mysterious stranger that stole Mio's first kiss?

Faster than a Kiss - Depois de perder seus pais, Fumiko e seu irmão se mudam da casa de um parente para outro. Cansada da mudança constante, Fumiko decide abandonar a escola e encontrar um emprego para sustentar seu irmão e a si mesma. Enquanto ela se senta no banco do parque contemplando a sua situação, de repente ela ve que seu professor está de pé na frente dela. Surpreendentemente, o encontro termina com uma proposta de casamento e a promessa de seu professor de apoiar e cuidar de Fumiko e seu irmão. Ele está sério ou brincando ...!?

Fruits Basket - A enigmática família Sohma divide um grande segredo, seus membros são possuídos por espíritos do Zodíaco Chinês, e quando eles são abraçado pelos membros do sexo oposto, eles se transformam em seus animais do Zodíaco! Tohru Honda, uma órfã, caloura da escola é acolhida na casa dos Sohma em troca de cuidar dos afazeres domésticos. Tohru, humilde, é muito grata pela generosidade da família Sohma, e quanto mais tempo ela fica com eles, mais eles percebem que ela é uma bênção em sua vida, também.

Gaba Kawa - Rara, a girl from the demon world, arrives on earth with only one goal in mind: To do as many bad things as possible. Sound easy, doesn’t it? It doesn’t sound as easy as it seems when Rara starts to develop feelings for a certain someone that she shouldn’t have. "Rara, don’t forget not let the human aware that you’re a demon."

Gakkou no Ojikan - Normal high school student Riku comes back home one day to find...she is now the school chairman of a famous elite school?! It seems her grandfather left her the post after his death and although Riku is not really enthusiastic about the idea, there happen to be two really interesting guys that attend that same school...

Ghost Only - In a certain part of town, there is a very exclusive restaurant. So exclusive that only ghosts get to dine there! Yes, it’s a ghost-only restaurant where ghouls and goblins freely roam, drink and eat! Strange? Not until you meet the only waitress there, who happens to be a full-blooded human!

Giri Koi - Mao has just graduated middle school, and due to where she lives, she has to go to a different school from all her friends. While trying to find her new classroom, Mao stumbles upon a boy being bullied. She gets the bullies to go away, only to find that the boy, Riku, wasn't being bullied at all. Nonetheless, Riku respects her now, and refers to her as "Prince," for saving him. How will their relationship continue...?

Girl got game (Power) -

Kyo Aizawa is very excited about getting to attend Seisyu Academy, which is famous for its adorable girls' uniforms. Her spirits are crushed, however, when she opens the package containing her school uniform to find a boy's uniform.
Her father explains to her that, as Seisyu Academy is also famous for its boys' basketball program, he enrolled her as a boy so she can fulfill his own dream of becoming an NBA basketball star. To make matters worse, she has to stay in the boys' dorms, and her roommate is the same boy she came to hate at tryouts.

Good Mornig call - Nao Yoshikawa stays behind to live by herself when her parents leave to inherit her grandpa's farm in the country. On the day she moves into her new apartment she soon discovers that it was rented also to Hisashi Uehara--a cute, super-cool, popular guy from her school. Not only did their housing agency unexpectedly close down, the landlord of the apartment tells them that they had to pay more for their aparment then they had expected. With no money and no home to return to, Nao and Hisashi decide to live together as flatmates.

Hadashi de Bara wo Fume - Sumi Kitamura is the second eldest in a parentless family of six. One day after her older brother leaves town, her younger brothers and sisters are taken away. The only way for her to get them back is to make a lot of money fast. On her quest to find money, a man offers to give her the money if she marries him...

Hana to Akuma - Ten years ago, Vivi, a demon, decided to leave the demon realm and come to the human world. There he found an abandoned baby and on a whim decided to keep it. Since then, he has lived together with Hana... but having a fourteen-year-old girl around you, is it really that simple?

Hanatsuki Hime - When Lys was born, her heart did not beat at all. To save her, her mother made a contract with a devil: Lys can borrow his heart until the day she turns 16, but after that, he will eat her body. Together with her companion, Siva, someone she met by chance on the desert at night, she travels around as a dancer girl to find the devil who sealed her fate. One day, while they were traveling, they suddenly meet an egoistic prince and a ring spirit...A Thousand and One Nights romance between the devil and the young girl.

Help! -

Kousaka Shin's ultimate dream is to become a doctor. So despite the facts that she is a cry baby, a coward, has a baby face, and only has an A cup--she is much more passionate about persuing her goals than others. One day her teacher, Abe-sensei, tells her she is not fit to be a doctor. From then on, a battle between them begins.
There's an added twist! Abe-sensei and Shin are neighbors! Now, her journey to becoming a doctor will be even more difficult than imagined!

Himegimi no Tsukurikata - Maria lost her mother when she was ten years old, and now she’s a high school student living by herself. But suddenly, two butlers, Rufus and Yuri appeared! They work for her father, whose whereabouts is unknown, and they informed her that she’s a princess?! Moreover, she’s told that her father is on the verge of death and would like to meet her during his last moments… It’s the start of the princess training between the two butlers and Maria!

Himekei Doll - Ayumu is absolutely in love with the young fashion designer Renji. She even enrolls in the same high school as him! After a certain incident, Renji finds out just how much Ayumu loves him, and that she's determined to help him with his clothing line, [BanDit]. He agrees to let her help him, but finds out that she could also be a talented designer (although she can't sew at all) herself!

Hoshigari Love Dollar - A young girl accidentally accuses someone on the train of molesting her. He turns out to be her age, but really rich. He picks her up after school and proposes marriage.

Kaichou wa Maid-sama -

Ayuzawa Misaki is the student council president of the former all-boy school, Seika High School. In order to protect the girls, she battles the boys everyday. On the other hand, she secretly works at a "Maid Cafe". But a popular boy from school, Usui Takumi, found out! Living in between the double identity of a Maid and a student council president~
What should we do Goshujin-sama!?

Karakuri Odette - Odette is an android designed by Dr. Yoshizawa. Wanting to find the ultimate difference between humans and her, Odette decides to persuade Dr. Yoshizawa to enroll her in a local high school. Follow Odette's adventures, as she ventures through high school, in search of the true meaning of being a human!

Kare First Love - Coy and self-conscious high school student Karin Karino never paid much attention to boys until she met Kiriya, a popular student from a nearby boys' school. Karin and Kiriya embark on a romantic journey despite Karin's classmate Yuka's best efforts to sabotage their relationship, but Karin soon learns that living happily ever after isn't on the curriculum when she becomes Kiriya's center of attention, as well as embittered Yuka's bull's-eye on her dartboard of hate.

Kimi ga Suki - Aki has always liked her basketball club friend, Mase. However, she can't seem to gather her courage to confess to him. On the day when she finally decides to tell him, she is confessed to by a guy from a different Junior High! A horrible accident follows and Aki finds herself not being able to choose between the two – Mase, whom she truly loves or Koichi, whom she'll always feel indebted to…

Kimi ni Todoke (Reaching U) - Kuronuma Sawako’s one wish in life is to make friends. That’s a difficult proposition when everyone who meets this high school student cowers in terror! She just wants to be like her classmate Kazehaya-kun, a laid-back, easygoing guy.

The King’s Pawnshop - Amy always falls for the wrong guys, and she is bad at judging guys. First, her first crush makes her into a slave, secondly, when she confess to a guy, he practically pushed her down, and finally she was cheated by her former boyfriend. Is working with Shuu in his pawnshop to become better in judging men a right choice?

Kiss to my prince - Everyone always says to set high goals for oneself. Sei-Ann, an orphaned young lady who was raised in the care of a noblewoman, does just that when she decides she’ll become the prince’s bride. With above average looks and ambitions that would rival that of a king, Sei-Ann is determined to leave her social status behind and become the wife of the next Crown Prince. Ever since she was a child, she knew that she was somehow special and was meant to go places. And even if it meant enduring a marriage with the most hideous looking prince, she feels it would be a small price to pay to claim her fate as the First Lady of the kingdom.

Kiss/Hug - Ryuu, a super-business-like transfer student from England with black hair and blue eyes just arrived! During the night of the Tanabata festival, Ryuu and Yukino became attracted to each other at first sight. He then declares, "You will be mine!" This brought confusion to Yukino, who has zero experience in love. But could she actually be falling in love?

Koi, Hirari - The food loving and pure-hearted Sumire Misaki’s family is moving to the same town where her mother and father met and fell in love. Sumire’s mother tells her that it’s a town where she’ll fall in love, and it she meets her first love in a very unexpected way: the good-looking Kazuki Miyamoto, as he tries to escape from his home. Through an unfortunate set of events, the wheels of fate have begun to turn for Sumire, as Kazuki is more than he appears to be. In fact, he’s a traditional dancer! Will Sumire’s first love be a happy one? Or does a bumpy road await her?

Koibana! Koiseyo Hanabi - Meet Hanabi Marui, our heroine who hates boys more than anything in the world!! When she has to decide which high school to apply to, she does it without giving it any thought - it's going to be an all-girls school! However, life's not always as easy. The school that Hanabi thought would be an all-girls high, turns out to be not only co-ed but also consists of mostly boys! How will Hanabi deal with this situation...?

Koko ni Iru Yo! - Hikage is a reclusive 8th grader who no one seems to notice. She finds comfort in her blog, and the the people who comment on it. Everything changes one day when two cute boys notice her. These boys are the most popular kids in the entire school. When one of them tells her something that she's always wanted to hear, she might not be as invisible as she thought...

Kurobara Alice - The young tenor singer Dimitri miraculously escaped with his life after a severe accident. But soon after that, strange cases of group-suicides started to happen all around him… A vampire-romanesque tale of love and survival!

Kyou Koi wo Hajimemasu - Tsubaki is a girl who loves making her younger sister's hair pretty every morning, but she doesn't think that kind of style suits herself! The day of her High School Beginning Ceremony, after she failed in being the top student (who usually makes the ceremony speech), she finds herself sitting next to the actual top student of the first years, the worst rude guy ever, Kyouta. She ends up cutting his hair on purpose because of the bad things he says to her. Kyouta demands that Tsubaki pay him back with her body, but Tsubaki fixes his hair instead--making it even shorter! After that, Kyouta unexpectedly kisses Tsubaki and swears that he'll make her his woman.

Love Berrish - 15 year-old FUKUSHIMA Yuuya has always wanted to live on her own, in an inn next to her school. This new dorm of hers, the Strawberry Tree Dorm, turns out to be a place with weird people--a girl that touches her chest out of the blue, a guy with one of the shortest tempers ever. BUT the good thing is, there's a really handsome and nice guy that she fell in love with instantly! Also, not to mention a crazy cat who adores him (looks can be deceiving...). Yuuya's life has just became much more interesting...

Love Luck -

Suzuki Nero has had her eye on Kurokawa Yamato, and according to her love horoscope it was the perfect time to confess!

She and Yamato were hitting it off well, although she still had the mean Kurokawa Dan who tries to get her attention in all the wrong ways in the back of her mind. She was ready to confess, but suddenly her chance was ruined!

Strangely enough, Kurokawa Yamato and Kurokawa Dan got into a car crash together and when Nero goes to visit Yamato, she finally confesses to him. He kisses her and starts laughing, only to reveal that he's actually "Dan"!! Nero would have never guessed that the ruthless Dan and the sweet Yamato were actually twins--and twins who had switched identities at that! What's Nero to do when the personality she likes is Yamato's, but the real Yamato is pretending to be Dan...!?

Lovely Banchou - Ichikawa Itsuki, 15 years old, a 148 cm little boy who practices karate and whose dad is the best karate expert around! Itsuki will become the perfect ispiration for Suzuki Mio, a 15-year-old girl whose dream is to become a manga-ka!

Lovesick - Yue lives alone with her 27 year-old step father, Kouki. She's dating a boy her age..but she can't stop thinking about Kouki. Could it be love...!?

M.A.X - Namu goes to a school where all the elites gets idolized by the 'non-elites'. From models to computer geniuses, these students make tons of money on their own! Because the school gates are always crowded by screaming fans of these elites, it is difficult for Namu to get to class on time. One day, however, a new transfer student helps Namu out in her morning predicament. Guess who gets categorized as an elite almost immediately?

Magical JxR - Magical JxR tells the story of two teenage wizards and the young girl they befriend: “Jay and Aru are two of the most popular students in wizardry school. However, before they can graduate, they must venture out into the REAL world and fulfill a one year magic contract with a human girl named Cho-Ah. Is Cho-Ah ready for a whole year with two enthusiastic wizards-to-be at her beck and call?"

Masca - The Devil's Castle is a dark and somber place, until the good-hearted apprentice ASARELLA stumbles into this abode on a goodwill mission, against the wishes of her master, the Arch-Mage, ELIWHO. Things sour quickly, and soon Asarella is bound in a blood pact with The Devil. Little does she know that the mage harbors a secret love for her, which will only complicate her training to prepare her for the apocalyptic battle to come, and which sets up the most unusual love triangle of any place or time.

Meine Liebe -

Erika Klause, who has been separated from her brother when she was little, decided to enter Rosenstolz Academy (in Germany), where she was sure to see him. But what she encounters at first day of school is the five Strahl (King scholars) candidates, and three new girl friends, as well as tons of rumour-mongering classmates. What could possibly go wrong at finding a long-lost brother in an exclusive school?

Yuki Kaori did the original character designs.

Moe Kare - Wakamiya Hikaru is a 15-year-old teenager who wants a boyfriend that'll protect her. She likes to read shoujo manga all the time. One day, she gets kissed by a handsome, perverted boy who she called the "Perverted Prince." Later on, she finds a guy who looks exactly like him, but the eyes are different. What's going on?

Random Walk - Yuka is a freshman in high school, living in the apartment next door to her mystery writer father and his new wife. The one thing she learned from her father was to ""fall in love as many times as you can, and become an attractive woman."" Now that she is in high school, Yuka is determined to meet her one true love. One day, as she and her friend Toko were hanging out, she meets Nozomu, who happens to be the son of her father's friend. Could he be the one?

Reimei no Arcana -

"On that day, I became the enemy's possesion," Nakaba thought as she stood there, knowing her destiny was to be married for convenience to keep the peace between her country Senan and Prince Caesar's country, Belquat; two neighbor countries on an island.

Between the two countries, there has been a constant war for 200 years and Nakaba has become a sacrificial goat for her country despite the discrimination of her red hair and of the sub-person (half-human, half-animal) Loki, who is her only friend and attendant at Caesar's estranged palace.

But what will Nakaba do when she foresees an event pertaining to Prince Caesar's demise? Will she save him? Or let him die in return to all the hate directed towards her by the people of Belquat?

Rocking Heaven - Sawa applies to Heaven's Wing Academy, thinking she would look cute in the uniform. But she never expected the academy to be a previously all-boys' school! And the head honcho of the school, the class president himself-Ran-doesn't seems like her one bit and takes no pains to hide it At first, adjusting to life at the academy is tough. Sawa is bullied and teased, the boys in the class even throw her shoes in the water. While attempting to retrieve her shoes, she falls into the water and is unexpectedly saved by Ran, who up until this point has made her life hell. The newfound gentleness in Ran intrigues her-and she finds herself falling for him. What will her days be like for the rest of her school life?

Stray Love Hearts - On the eve of her sixteenth birthday, Kozue Hiyoki is visited in her dreams by a man who steals her heart- literally! Determined to find him and retrieve her stolen heart, Hiyoki, with the color of the man's hair and the tattoo on his chest as her only leads, enrolls in the S-Hall dormitories of St. Nazareth Academy, but quickly realizes that its residents are not at all like she expected... For starters, they're all guys! There, Hiyoki soon discovers that she has the ability to look inside her dorm-mates' dreams, which may be the key to uncovering the identity of the thief who stole her heart.... But perhaps her biggest challenge is that most of the guys won't let Hiyoki into their rooms, much less their hearts!

Suki-tte li na yo - Mei Tachibana has spent her 16 years without making either boyfriend or friends. One day, she injures a popular boy in school, Yamato Kurosawa, because of a misunderstanding but for some reason it seems that he takes a liking to her and one-sidedly claims that they’re friends. Furthermore, he not only protects Mei from a stalker, he does it with a kiss…?!!

Seirei produce - Shiina Momose doesn't believe in fortune telling and the occult, but for some reason, anything she touches destroys easily! One day while she was on her way to school, a young man approaches her. He claims to be a god and believes that he was guided towards her. For that he had become convinced that she should become his first follower! Naturally, Momose refused; but when strange things began to happen... she can't not do something about it!

Shinigami lovers -

Onda Miku was just a regular high school girl who loves nails. But suddenly, she got into a terrible accident, and the shinigami (death god) Sei fastened his chain of death onto her wrist! Sei may be hot, but he is a bit scary. Being tied together with him, just what kind of fate awaits Miku!?

Shinobi Life -

Many, many years ago, a ninja named Kagetora devoted his life to protecting Princess Beni (”Beni-Hime”). Unfortunately, they were attacked and Kagetora was flung into a lake, and sank to the bottom… And is somehow warped to the future where he sees the princess Beni being kidnapped.
Little does Kagetora know that Beni is not the real princess, but rather her descendant. Beni, on the other hand, thought that Kagetora was just a cosplayer. Beni, the daughter of a rich man has already been kidnapped a hundred times already... But fear not because Kagetora is here. Will Kagetora be able to go back to the past, or will he remain by Beni’s side forever?

The Sleepy residents of Birdcage Manor - 16-year-old Kizuna stalks the city at night, flirting with middle-aged salary men and coercing them out of their money. The thrill should be enough to satiate her, but Kizuna remains unsatisfied with her everyday life... That is, until the beautiful Inoue Yuki, also living in "Birdcage Manor" approaches Kizuna with a job proposition- to model in the nude for Yuki's cousin, a painter and fellow resident Yusei Asai!

Special A - Have you ever known someone who was better than you at everything you did? Hikari does. She's known Kei since they were both six years old and he's surpassed her at everything. Now they are the top two students in an extremely prestigious high school, with Kei holding firmly to that number one position, and Hikari is still determined to beat him, no matter what it takes.

Stardust WInk - I’m Anna. I’m 14 years old and I’ve just entered the ninth grade. Sou and Hinata, who live in the same apartment complex as me, are my childhood friends and we’re all the same age. I thought that from now on we’d become even closer friends, but then Sou suddenly did that to me…!!

Ten no Ryuu Chi no Sakura - Sakura Karukaya liked her life: she was just a high schooler who loved rhythmic gymnastics, being raised by her older brother and sister. However, both of her siblings were hiding secrets about themselves and Sakura that would make her realize that the world around them was not what it seemed. Now, with the help of a mysterious dragon named Yoiyami, Sakura will have to confront these forces and the power within her if she wants to rescue her beloved brother and sister.

Tenjou no Kajitsu - Tomita Yuri hated boys since she was little, seeing them as devils who taunt and tease her. When the all-girls Kinka academy decides to merge with the all-boys Ginka academy, her ‘heaven’ is once again threatened by the devils from hell, men. Not only that, but as a member of the student council, she now has to work alongside the male student council of Ginka academy. Will Yuri’s ‘heaven’ be overrun by the male devils from hell?

Tonari no Shugoshin - After losing her parents when she was young, Rio has been supporting herself and her brother. Rio believes that it's useless to rely on others. One day, she buys a trump card of the jack of club, modeled after Sir Lancelot, believing she could gain good money auctioning it off the internet. That night she meets Sir Lancelot in her dreams, which recur every time she sleeps. When Yuuki-kun asks her to go out with him and nearly kisses her, Lancelot suddenly appears out of nowhere and says he has come to save her?!

Watashi ni XX Shinasai! - In class, she's a sort of zoned-out girl, and he's the year one class' most perfect, good-looking guy. But the two of them have a secret, and their extraordinary "love experience" will start now!

Yoru Made Matenai - Haruka is a sweet, innocent high school girl who is very excited to meet her new step-brother, Tsukasa. Since her father works overseas, Haruka has been living alone, but now that her father has remarried, she'll have little grade schooler Tsukasa with her while both their parents are out of the country. When they finally meet, Tsukasa is even cuter than Haruka had hoped! He wants to get her help with his homework and sleep in her bed...and undress her and make love to her!?

Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen - The long-lasting war between the Northern and the Southern Kingdoms is unbearable. So the northern Prince Johane and the southern Princess Euda decide to tell everyone they are in love, because their marriage can stop the war. But the truth is they don't get along at all!